631 photos   6716 visits

0 Hello ya everyone

*_* Heya all *_* I`m not Demi or Miley..I`m only their fan!:X A big fan!:X I hope you`ll like my page and you`ll enjoy my albums!!:) Cause I`ll give you comms >>back<< and always I keep my promises,guys!;) [][][] I hope I`ll make a lot of friends here [][][] But if you don`t like Demmz or Milezz please don`t insult them! ~~ oKay~~ :)

So this is all!! Oh yeah,I forgot,my name is
^^ Maria ^^
Demi and Miley [picture made by me]
Demi and Miley [picture made by me]

Comments • 1

MileyCyrusBlackKitty 23 June 2010  
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